How to buy $BARMY on PC/Laptop

Below is the instruction on how to buy $BARMY on your PC/Laptop via PancakeSwap.

  • Step 1: Go to PancakeSwap and choose a wallet to connect to PancakeSwap (if you haven't done it yet).

  • Step 2: Click on Select a currency to proceed.

  • Step 3: Copy and paste $BARMY contract address of 0x2C80bC9bFa4EC680EfB949C51806bDDEE5Ac8299.

Click on the suggested token name (BARMY).

  • Step 4: You can buy $BARMY using $BNB or $BUSD. Enter the amount you want to swap.

  • Step 5: Click Swap. You'll be asked to review the details and confirm the transaction.

  • Step 6: Your transaction is completed and you now have successfully purchased $BARMY!

Last updated